Uma aula para quem quiser aprender a arte do hooliganizmo. Você bate em pessoas inocentes, ofende (com sérias consequências físicas) torcedores adversários, compra armas ... tudo que for preciso para manter a honra e a integridade do seu time do coração.
- 1: What is Little Hooliganz?
- Little Hooliganz is the worlds premier virtual football g-com. Little Hooliganz from around the world can join the hooligan community and enjoy all things football, male and rock and roll. Little Hooliganz is not a game and it is not a community. It is both. It is the worlds premier football g-com.
- 2: Do I have to pay to join Little Hooliganz?
- Little Hooliganz g-com is totally free to play and enjoy. It is a community of football loving little Hooliganz. Come in pull up a seat and enjoy!