Uwe Boll Challenges Michael Bay to Boxing Match
Apr 26th, 2008 (4:00pm)
Recently, director Uwe Boll made a few statements about Michael Bay (Transformers), stating: "I am not a f*cking retard like Michael Bay or other people running around in that business." Bay responded by calling Boll "a sad being."
Apparently, that hurt Boll's feelings, because he has now released another video, challenging Bay to a boxing match. This isn't the first time Boll did something like this. He previously challenged five critics to boxing, beating all of them with ease. Videos of the fights will appear on the "Postal" DVD release.
Watch the video below to see what Boll's plans for boxing Bay and enjoy such priceless gems like: "I think that this day in Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas we will clear it up who is the better director."
Vídeo do desafio:
Uwe boll é engraçado, ele só chama pro pau esses mauricinhos. O Michael Bay não aguentaria 2 minutos no ring, ia passar tanta vergonha que teria que se mudar pra Cybertron.
Queria ver ele chamar o Mickey Rourke pro pau.
Ray Jackson
Ray Jackson
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, que foda. O Boll é disparado o cara mais divertido da indústria cinematográfica hoje em dia, tipo um Ed Wood moderno. Como alguém realmente pode querer que ele pare de fazer filmes?
Ou o The Rock.
Ou ambos. E depois uma saideira com o Chuck Norris.
Ray Jackson
Ray Jackson