Prince contra a Internet

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Prince contra a Internet

Primeiro o Elton John, agora o Prince. Que ao contrário, é um homem de ação e decidiu processar as figuras de sempre. O Pirate Bay deve estar adorando a atenção.

The Guardian wrote:
Prince is threatening to sue a raft of major websites, including YouTube, eBay and Pirate Bay, as part of a legal initiative to "reclaim the internet" from rampant piracy.

Lawsuits relating to Prince's material will be launched in the US and UK as part of a campaign led by anti-piracy firm Web Sheriff, which is representing the star.


Mr Giacobbi described Prince as being a "radical and pioneering" artist, citing his spat with Warner in the early 90s when he changed his name to The Artist Formerly Known as Prince in order to regain control of his own rights.

Prince "wants to create a template for other artists", he added. "Prince doesn't really want to go around suing people - he'd much rather people just respected his rights. He will be victorious."


Foto de Bennett

Enquanto isso, na Australia, Trent Reznor fala para os fãs baixarem o quanto quiserem os discos dele enquanto os preços não baixarem.