O Bryan Singer está para dirigir este filme, baseado em um roteiro do cara que escreveu The Number 23 (que está sendo massacrado pela crítica), a seu turno baseado em uma história real. Resumindo bastante, um rapaz de 14 anos, "John" provoca outro, de 16, "Mark", a matá-lo...mas a história é bem complicada, envolvendo trocentas personagens falsas criadas por John, e uma história absurda de espionagem, cheia de reviravoltas. Lendo a matéria da Vanity Fair, dá para perceber que tem o potencial de virar um excelente filme.
John felt himself to be so profoundly unlovable that he entered the MSN chat room not under his own name but as a teenage beauty named Rachel West. It was through this character that he introduced himself to Mark, who promptly fell hard. Rachel's desirability was enhanced by the attachment of a promising photograph—from some source, "although we don't know who," Hatton points out. A great deal of thought went into her gestation. "He said if he had not created Rachel, then Mark would not have wanted to get close to him," Dr. Kirsty Smedley, a Manchester psychologist, wrote after interviewing John subsequent to his arrest. "He said it was important to him to keep Mark as his friend and he was not confident that Mark would be interested in just speaking to John."Thus, Rachel was only the beginning of what evolved into an intricate Internet folie à six. Shortly after her appearance, John suddenly emerged in the chat room as himself (saying that he was Rachel's brother), and these two were followed by still other fantastical alter egos equipped with wild backgrounds but dull, repetitive names: Lyndsey East, Rachel East, Kevin McGregory, Dave McNeil, Janet Dobinson. A girl in distress, a homosexual blackmailer, a genial schoolboy, a top spy, a rapist, and a murderer—everyone checked in regularly with the alternately enraptured and horrified teenager Mark. They had desires they expressed frankly, ardently, threateningly, as the occasion warranted.
Mark's world—until then packed mainly with soccer, passable grades, and admiring schoolgirls—was alight with these passionate intruders. He was the only child of working-class parents, well mannered and respectful, bound, he thought, for a local business college. John would later claim that Mark had declared him to be "like a brother"—but, as it turned out, he was a lot more than that. Behind the laptop screen John was Mark's own personal deity, industriously enhancing certain elements of suburban life while eliminating others. Suddenly the "postman, ice cream man, teachers, drivers" were all revealed to be secret agents, checking to see if he, Mark, might be smart enough to join their ranks. Nothing was impossible. If Mark played his cards right, wrote John, "by may next year you will be a millionaire."
As for John, he, too, was getting what he wanted from his friend, as Dr. Smedley would later recount: "He described a feeling of emotional intimacy he had never experienced before."
Which wasn't, unfortunately, saying much.
EDIT.: Detalhe, já houve um filme baseado na mesma história em 2005, feito para a TV britânica.