O cara sai do armário nas vésperas do lançamento do novo disco.
'I didn't talk about it when I did interviews for the last record because it wasn't an area really reflected in the music; I didn't talk about race for the same reason. Why was that still a discussion point? The only reason it was a discussion point was because of the racial prejudice that exists in the mainstream media.'But A Weekend in the City is a record full of intriguing lyrics and scenarios. Two songs, 'I Still Remember' and 'Kreuzberg', seem to explicitly explore homosexuality. The former is about a crush between two schoolboys ('We left our trousers by the canal'). The latter is about gay promiscuity. So has Okereke decided to talk about his sexuality?
'I think I'm going to have to. With the first album I didn't think it was essential to the experience. I didn't want to have to talk about it in a tabloid way. It wasn't there in the songs, so why did people need to know? But yeah, there are songs on this record that do feel like they're about desire, longing. So yeah,' he concludes, 'I am gonna talk about that.'
Não precisa ser o Furão para saber de cara que o sujeito é gay, é óbvio na primeira olhadela.
Não me surpreende nem um pouco, mas, que cara-de-pau fazer essas confissões na época de lançamento de um produto, né? A mesma coisa pode ser dita sobre o escritor Gunter Grass, que falou sobre seu passado nazista próximo ao lançamento de sua autobiografia.
Renato Russo agiu bem diferente. Ele saiu do armário numa entrevista para a Bizz, numa entressafra entre o quarto e o quinto disco, sem qualquer lançamento da Legião por perto.
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