Adventures no Wii?

Foto de Bennett

A Telltale Games abriu uma vaga para programadores de Wii:

[quote=IGN]The dawning of a new day can only mean one thing - another developer has expressed an interest in creating titles for Nintendo's motion-sensing machine, this time the honor going to Telltale Games, the current developers of the Sam & Max titles.

In an advert on the developer's website it's revealed the company has an "immediate opening" for a Wii programmer, who would be responsible for "implementing our core 3D graphics and audio systems on the Wii."

However, a spokesperson for the company was quick to shoot down rumours of Sam & Max making it onto Wii. "We haven't made any announcements about why we're hiring a Wii developer and we really really haven't said that we're working on a Sam & Max game for the Wii", explained an official post on Telltale's forums. "If we do such a thing, you guys will be the first to hear about it, surrounded by 800 gigantic trumpets and probably some cherubs or something. But as of right now, you're talking crazy talk."

800 gigantic trumpets and cherubs? We're not the ones spouting trash...[/quote]


Apesar deles negarem, duvido que não mandem Sam e Max para o Wii. Seria uma plataforma perfeita para adventures. 

Foto de quase nada

Não vai dar certo. O público do wii são as crianças, vão falar que não, que terá resident evil e etc, mas o foco do wii é outro, são os mini games, jogos de salão, joguinhos pra brincar com a titia e com a vovó. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Foto de Bennett

Sim, claro...por isso é que Manhunter 2 vai sair para o Wii...

É uma plataforma neutra, Quase. O estilo point and click do wiimote é perfeito para adventures.