Mais uma série de mistérios, seguindo o rastro de Lost. Essa foi feita originalmente no formato de mini-série, mas não duvido que vire uma série regular (como aconteceu com the 4400). A premissa básica é que existem 100 objetos com poderes diversos espalhados mundo a fora, todos originados de um quarto de motel misterioso. Tem um pente, por exemplo, que é capaz de congelar o tempo por dez segundos. Aparentemente, quem conseguir voltar todos os objetos para o quarto vai conseguir uma espécie de poder supremo, ou algo assim.
Estréia hoje no SCI-FI Channel, parece ao menos interessante.
The Lost Room -- an early look
Posted Nov 13th 2006 12:32PM by Keith McDuffee
Recently I was sent the first two episodes of a new "limited run" series coming to Sci Fi called The Lost Room. My contacts at Sci Fi tell me the show is currently being labeled as a mini series, which to me means it's possible they're hoping for another Battlestar Galactica-like series to come out of it, though I really hope they just leave it be once it's over. That's not to say it's bad at all, just that expanding it further might ruin its magic.
To explain what The Lost Room is, well, a little hard to explain without either making you completely confused or to sell the story short. But I'll do my best to explain it, as I think it's something worth watching.
The Lost Room stars Peter Krause (Six Feet Under) as Det. Joe Miller and Julianna Margulies (ER) as Jennifer Bloom, along with a couple of familiar faces from Desperate Housewives: Roger Bart and Harriet Sansom Harris. You may also recognize Joe's daughter, Anna, played by Elle Fanning, sister of Dakota.
I'll do my best to give you the gist of the story without spoiling too much, which will be quite a feat. Joe happens upon what looks like an ordinary hotel key when investigating a bizarre crime. What he quickly learns is that this is no ordinary key, as it can fit into any swinging door with a keyhole (other than an auto door). However, once that door is opened, what lies beyond is not what you'd expect. Instead the door opens into an old hotel room, one seemingly frozen in time. And when you leave the room through the same door, simply thinking of a place for it to open into will take you there, as long as there's a swinging door with a keyhole in the knob at that location.
What Joe finds out later is that this key is one of many "Objects" that were taken from that particular room at one point, and each of these Objects has a unique power associated with it, the key being one of the most useful and powerful. For example, there's a comb taken from the room that, when combed through the user's hair, will freeze time for ten seconds around the user.
The hotel room has one particular side effect. The room resets once the key user leaves the room with the key, meaning that anything that was left in the room disappears and anything that was disturbed in the room is brought back to its original state. So, when Joe's daughter enters the room without the key and the door is shut, you can imagine what Joe's goal is from then on.
So, what are these weird objects and why do they have powers? Why do some have powers that are seemingly useless while others are incredibly powerful? What happened in Room 10 of the Sunshine Motel back over 40 years ago?
There's much more to the story than that, but I'll leave the rest for you to discover from watching it. There are a few things I really like about this show. For one, it's a mini-series, meaning there is an end in sight and we won't be stuck wondering when it's all going to finish up. I'd like to see more series try this approach instead of petering out in the end and leaving true fans disappointed with the outcome. I also think the story around the Objects, along with the odd powers they have, is one that definitely intrigues me. What did happen to cause those objects to attract powers? Some on the show say God was killed in that room, but are they right?
One thing I will say that I'm not sure really disappoints me, but it's a weakness that needs mentioning. Believe it or not, as odd as the premise is for this show, I found much of it predictable. I figured out what the "Prime Object" would be very early on, for example. I also think I know what the ultimate endgame will be: to get all objects back into the room, including the key, and shut the door with nothing but those objects in the room. What that will do, though, is something we'll just have to wait to see.
The Lost Room premieres on Sci Fi on December 11.
Está com ótimas críticas, vou tentar assistir.
Eu tô tentando baixar, mas não acho torrent em lugar nenhum. Você já viu algum por aí?
Ainda não vi, mas deve sair.
Então, vi a primeira parte... e não achei lá essas coisas não. Tem todos aqueles defeitos que filmes feitos pra TV e miniséries tem, e apesar da premissa ser interessante, fica só nisso mesmo. Não tem desenvolvimento de personagens, o Peter Krause parece estar atuando como se estivesse em uma série de comédia, e o roteiro é cheio de tosquices padrões, daquele tipo que mostra os personagens tomando decisões ilógicas e incoerentes, ou diálogos que parecem escritos por um estudante de faculdade de comunicação.
Ainda sim, já que eu já baixei as partes 2 e 3 mesmo, vou assistir até o final. Se melhorar depois eu conto pra vocês.
Eu peguei os arquivos, mas notei que a tela está cortada em cima e em baixo, provavelmente por algum erro de captação e processamento. Não me animei de ver por este motivo...há algum arquivo que esteja correto?
O meu tá assim também, mas não atrapalha em nada, desconfio que o seriado foi exibido em letterbox, com o simbolo do Sci-Fi e outras legendas vazando pra fora da moldura, e o cara só recortou as tarjas pretas e fez um widescreen (pra economizar na compressao, creio), rancando esse pedacos vazados fora. Pode assistir assim na boa, não perde em nada.
Tava a toa agora depois do almoço e resolvi acabar de ver a série. Apesar do primeiro episódio fraco, da metade do episódio dois em diante (quando começa a introduzir uma seita bizarra que coleciona os objetos) a série engrena e fica muito boa, boa o bastante para ter fazido valer a pena o download dos três episódios. O último, em particular, é bem tenso e inteligente, e corrige os defeitos iniciais - além de ter um ótimo final.
Acho que vira série sim, e das boas, apesar de que a premissa provavelmente se esgotará muito rápido.
Saiu em DVD recentemente, então deve ter rip de qualidade em qualquer lugar onde se baixa torrents. Tenta o Mininova.