Uwe Boll chama seus críticos pra porrada

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Guybrush Threepwood
Foto de Guybrush Threepwood
Uwe Boll chama seus críticos pra porrada

Nosso ídolo supremo lançou um desafio: qualquer um que tenha escrito uma crítica bastante negativa sobre uma de suas obras-primas, tera a chance de encarar o diretor alemão num ringue de boxe em uma luta pra valer, que será inclusive gravada e usada no seu novo filme, Postal. Algúem se habilita?


Uwe Boll Challenges His Critics “To Put Up Or Shut Up !”

Uwe Boll Invites His Top 5 Most Outspoken Critics of 2005
To Appear In His Feature Film “Postal”.

Airfares & Hotel Expenses To Vancouver Will Be Paid
By Uwe Boll’s Production Company For These Critics To Be In Postal.

June 12, 2006 – Vancouver, BC – We are proud to announce that Dr.Uwe Boll’s BLOODRAYNE starring Kristanna Loken, Michael Madsen, Matthew Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Sir Ben Kingsley, Will Sanderson, Udo Kier, Meat Loaf, Michael Pare & Billy Zane had a successful release May 23rd., 2006 on DVD in both Canada & USA.

Iain Taylor of Vivendi Visual Entertainment Canada stated, “BloodRayne ranked in the top 6 best selling DVD titles during the first part week of sales in Canada (Nielsen Videoscan Canada)”. In the USA BloodRayne’s DVD performance was even stronger. Tom O’Malley, GM of Vivendi Visual Entertainment (USA), said “For the first time in this industry, a Theatrical Release and the Complete PC Video Game were released together on DVD. BloodRayne ranked in the top 5 best selling DVD titles during its debut week (Nielsen VideoScan USA)”. In both countries unofficial DVD rental statistics have proven to be even more impressive.

Again the fans have shown that the critics of Uwe Boll are out of touch with want the general movie audience population wants. Dr. Boll has continually been roasted for the films he has directed and produced. His last two films, House of the Dead & Alone in the Dark, cost $20 million but they have grossed over $110 million to-date. The same negative reactions from some of the same press and the internet critics are now being directed at Uwe Boll’s latest film; BloodRayne.

Dr. Uwe Boll has had enough! Uwe Boll’s position is “I am fed up. I’m fed up with people slamming my films on the Internet without see them. Many journalists make value judgments on my films based on the opinions of one or two thousand Internet voices. Half of those opinions come from people who’ve never watched my films. I have been told that “BloodRayne” has a very bad IMDb rating, but how many of those votes of zero were made before the movie appeared in theatres.” The criticism goes on and on.

Uwe is now challenging the critics that failed to watch his films prior to reviewing or commenting, “TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP!”

On July 17th, 2006 Uwe will start filming his next feature film, “Seed”, starring Will Sanderson, Ralf Moeller, Michael Pare & Andrew Jackson. Following that film he will go into production in late September with another feature called “Postal”. Both movies will be shot in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Towards the end of the filming of the “Postal” the 5 most outspoken critics will be flown into Vancouver and supplied with hotel rooms. As a guest of Uwe Boll they will be given the chance to be an extra / stand-in in “Postal” and have the opportunity to put on boxing gloves and enter a BOXING RING to fight Uwe Boll. Each critic will have the opportunity to bring down Uwe in a 10 bout match. There will be 5 matches planned over the last two days of the movie. Certain scenes from these boxing matches will become part of the Postal movie. All 5 fights will be televised on the internet and will be covered by international press.

To be eligible you must be a critic who has posted on the internet or have written in magazines / newspapers at least two extremely negative articles in the year 2005. Critics of 2006 will not be considered. Please submit proof of your negative reviews & comments via e-mail to:


All challengers must be healthy males, weighing between 64 kilograms (140 lbs.) and 86 kilograms (190 lbs.). You will require to be physically examined by a doctor and sign the necessary release forms for liability, etc. You will not be paid or entitled to any residuals
or fees. Your transportation & hotel costs will be covered.

Dr. Uwe Boll’s invitation to fight and / or appear in his film is extended to all his harshest critics. Roger Avary and Quentin Tarantino are among the most eligible candidates.

The following posters to the IMDb have earned the right to be placed on the list of the most extreme anti-Boll critics and are therefore eligible to enter the contest. Contestants will be chosen to be an extra and physically box Dr. Uwe Boll.
















If critics want to bring Uwe Boll down, here is their chance to physically bring him down and have the entire world watch them do it.

Foto de Bennett

O Lowtax do Something Awful vai ser um dos boxeadores a desafiar Dr. Boll.

Guybrush Threepwood
Foto de Guybrush Threepwood

Sinceramente, se eu tivesse muito tempo livre, morasse nos EUA e tivesse escrito duas críticas muito negativas sobre filmes dele em 2005 (escrevi só alguns comentários sobre HotD, nem tão negativos assim), sabe que eu aceitaria o desafio dele? Não que eu achasse que tivesse chance de ganhar ou algo assim (o Uwe Boll pelas fotos parece ser um cara atarracado mas bem forte, e se ele lançou esse desafio é bem provável que ele saiba o que fazer num ringue de luta), mas mais pela diversão. Imagina, se você acerta um cruzado de direita no queixo do Herr Boll e mundo inteiro assistindo, que glória?

Foto de Bennett

Dizem que o Boll tem treinamento em box, não sei se eu aceitaria, não...

Foto de Charllie

Uwe Boll derruba o primeiro crítico em luta de boxe, Uhahahahaha... Tem até video no YouTube....

Notícia Completa e Video

Há dois meses, atarantado de tanto levar críticas por seus filmecos, o produtor e diretor alemão Uwe Boll convidou os seus detratores a subirem no ringue de boxe.

Pois a série de combates entre o medíocre cineasta e os autores de resenhas mais ferozes contra House of the dead e Alone in the dark, entre outras pérolas mal adaptadas dos videogames, começou.

A primeira luta aconteceu na Espanha, onde Dr. Boll enfrentou Carlos Palencia Jiménez-Argüello, webmaster do Cinecutre.

O massacre pode ser conferido no YouTube e dá pena. De cinema, Boll não entende nada, mas de boxe ele sabe uma coisa ou outra. Enquanto seu oponente limita-se a imitar alguns golpes que viu em Rocky, Boll avança primeiro com cautela, depois implacável. Resta ao pobre nerd - que teve a torcida febril da cozinha omelética - correr e tentar se esconder pelos cantos do ringue.

Os próximos combates acontecerão dia 23 de setembro em Vancouver, Canadá, contra Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, webmaster do Something Awful; Jeff Sneider, do Ain't it Cool News; Chris Alexander, da Rue Morgue Radio de Toronto; e Nelson Chance Minter, crítico freelancer.

As cenas serão filmadas e podem entrar em Postal - mais uma adaptação de game rodada pelo alemão. Aguarde mais sobre essa cobertura esportiva omelética na ocasião.

Foto de Bennett

Queria saber como é que essas cenas vão se encaixar em Postal...

Foto de Charllie

Bennett wrote:
Queria saber como é que essas cenas vão se encaixar em Postal...

Ueh, pode entrar de imagem de fundo em alguma televisão ou o próprio Boll, seguindo os passos do Orson Welles, pode atuar de carteiro psico... Vai que ele quer que o Postal seja o Citizen Kane das adaptações de jogos, Produzido, Escrito, Atuado e Dirigido por Her Boll.

Foto de Bennett

O pior é que eu estou ficando com vontade de ver Postal...

Foto de BigWings

Nessa onda de video-games, fui procurar se alguém tivera a idéia de fazer um filme do Far Cry, que é praticamente o único jogo que conheço, e constatei numa mistura de alegria e decepção, que vão sim.






Foto de Bennett

Vídeo do Uwe Boll detonando o Lowtax do Something Awful. E uma entrevista com o Lowtax depois. E no fórum:

Lowtax wrote:
Uwe Boll told me before the fight, "dont worry, it's just a PR stunt, I am not fighting for real" and then he (obviously) did. So after being smacked in the head, I said "fuck this" and STAYED THE FUCK DOWN.

The guy after me, he spent an hour throwing up afterwards. The guy after him had blood all over his face.


E ainda:

Lowtax wrote:
Okay I am done drinking, and I'd like to post some more info before I forget it:

1) There was an actual real critic who sparred with Uwe Boll a few nights ago, who was a real amateur boxer. Uwe refused to fight the guy in the ring; obviously he only wanted people with no boxing experience.

Anyway, when Uwe was sparring with the dude, the critic / amateur had to quit sparring because Uwe "was taking it too seriously" and really trying to beat the shit out of the guy. So he just said fuck it and left.

2) Apparently when we were in another room, Uwe declared he was going to beat the crap out of all of us and try to "win by knockout." You know, like kinda the OPPOSITE of "this is all a PR stunt we will have fun my movies don't suck" that he was saying before.

3) Like I mentioned before, Uwe said we would get training, boxing equipment, and lessons beforehand. None of us received any of this, which didn't quite worry us at the time since he kept saying it was just a PR stunt and he wasn't really going to box for real for serious blah blah blah. NEVER trust a German. Three of the guys didn't even have cups to protect their balls; the only reason I had a cup was because my wife bought me one.

4) The dude after me was throwing up and had an EMT by his side for about an hour. He eventually had to have an oxygen mask on. The dude after him was all bloodied up and looked like crap. They too made the mistake of believing Uwe Boll when he said it was just a PR thing, since neither really trained.

Regardless, I don't regret anything and think it was a real learning experience. For example, I learned Uwe Boll is a lying dickhead who makes shitbag films, and he deserves all the shit he gets from folks on the Internet. I'll write an update about all this when I get back, but I'm trying to put the most major things here so I do not forget them.

OH and the high point of the day was when I met DAVID FUCKING CROSS and hugged him and gave him a "Doom House" DVD. That was fucking awesome and made the whole Uwe Boll fiasco worth it.

E aqui vão a terceira luta e a quarta luta (contra um cara de 17 anos). Depois, Uwe se comportando como um babaca, dizendo que essa é a lição que quer deixar para seus críticos. Criticou, leva porrada!

quase nada
Foto de quase nada

Eu gosto da figura do Uwe Boll, mas com essa postura ele vai terminar falecendo. U.U 

Guybrush Threepwood
Foto de Guybrush Threepwood

HAHAHAHAHAHA, esse cara é o meu herói! Eu encararia um fight com ele na boa, tenho experiência em combate de ringue, já fiz San Shou e algumas outras artes marciais, podia até perder, mas creio que dava pra acertar umas boas porradas no alemão.

Foto de Odnanref

O nome Boll já venceu seus quatro adversários.

Confesso que ainda não assisti a nenhum dos filmes do Bollxeador, mas a estratégia de marketing dele é interessante.


João Andarilho


Se eu copio um autor, é plágio. Se copio vários, é pesquisa.