[LOST] Segundo Abrams, final da segunda temporada de Lost será um dos melhores já vistos

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Guybrush Threepwood
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[LOST] Segundo Abrams, final da segunda temporada de Lost será um dos melhores já vistos

Abrams says Lost finale will thrill
By Colin Mahan - TV.com
May 8, 2006 at 02:23:00 PM | more stories by this author

Creator of show says the season-two finale will be the best finale ever.

Lost will end big. JJ Abrams, the cocreator of ABC's hit series Lost, told SciFi.com that the finale for the show's second season, which airs on May 24, will be the one of the greatest finales in TV history.

Abrams has been away from the show directing the new Tom Cruise action picture Mission: Impossible III. He says that while he was away, cocreator Damon Lindelof fashioned a Lost ending that surprised and excited him.

"The ending of this year in Lost blows the ending of last season out of the water," he said.

In the Lost first-season finale, the castaways were finally able to open the hatch they had found half buried in the ground. They discovered an undergound facility that housed food, weapons, an enigmatic 16mm film, and a mysterious countdown that had to be reset every 100 minutes or else...something bad might happen (viewers have yet to find out what, as the castaways man shifts to reset it).

Abrams hints that in the new finale, questions are answered and loose ends tied up.

"It's an incredible finale. You'll see what happens, but I can tell you that a lot of it has been there and been building from the beginning of this season. It's not out of the blue, but what happens at the very end of this year, for me, it's the greatest finale I have ever heard."

Last week on Lost, previously stalwart character Michael killed two of the main characters. The episode also featured the kick-off of "The Lost Experience," a massive game featuring online and TV elements. In the upcoming weeks, viewers will find out what happened to Michael while he was gone trying to rescue his sone Walt, and Jack and Sayid discover something offshore that leads them to believe they can fight back against The Others.

If Abrams is right, Comic Book Guy on the The Simpsons might say, "Best. Finale. Ever."

Ray J
Foto de Ray J

Não duvido. A segunda temporada foi melhor que a primeira em tudo. A série respeita o público e conseguiu criar uma mitologia crí­vel, com uma suspensão de descrença que eu não vejo a anos. Merecem o sucesso que tem.

Ray Jackson

Foto de Bennett

Eu acho que essa temporada vai terminar é com um certo personagem chamado

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Ray J
Foto de Ray J

Não duvido.

Ray Jackson

Foto de Bennett

Saiu uma matéria legalzinha na Newsweek sobre o final.

O Terry O'Quinn entende exatamente o espí­rito do seriado:

Newsweek wrote:
O'Quinn is one of the few actors who don't like to speculate about the show, even about the most basic questions, like how Locke became a paraplegic. "When the question is answered, the answer will be disappointing—it's the question that's fun," he says. "He's a mysterious character, and that's what makes him compelling."

Guybrush Threepwood
Foto de Guybrush Threepwood

Bennett wrote:
Saiu uma matéria legalzinha na Newsweek sobre o final.

Agora, mais do que nunca, tô achando que aquele personagem vai mesmo abotoar o paletó de madeira.


Pirate: Guybrush Threepwood? That's the most ridiculous name I've ever heard!

Guybrush: Well, what´s your name?

Pirate: Mancomb Seepgood.

Foto de Bennett

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