Os produtores de Lost soltaram algumas "dicas" do que está por vir nos últimos capítulos da temporada, para não deixar os fãs "esfriarem" nesse mês de abstinência.
Não é nenhum spoiler GRANDIOSO, são apenas dicas, mas vou colocar a tarja assim mesmo.
Spoiler: Highlight to view
1) We will learn "exactly" what happened to Michael between leaving the island and him getting to NYC.
2) Michael is a "pivotal" part of the end of the season and he will have an "impact" on many of the characters, including Sayid.
3) We will see how the Oceanic 6 "escaped the island" and what happens to those that don't leave.
4) The Team Locke v Team Jack debate about who is right will "amplify"
5) We will learn who is in the coffin
6) More about the freighter people
7) We will also find out who "seemingly killed" Karl and Rousseau
1) (He`s a big fat fag)
2) (Jean Claude Van Damme`s Double Impact)
3) (It`ll burn like a barbicue)
4) (They`re both wrong. Chicago Bulls will "amplify")
5) (Not now. I`ll be busy)
6) (They will never exist)
7) (Karl was killed by the capitalism. Rousseau suffered a hemorrhage and died on July 2, 1778)
João Andarilho______
Se eu copio um autor, é plágio. Se copio vários, é pesquisa.